Smartborder customs overview

Shipper login

The web-based Shipper Login for SmartBorder is being discontinued. It is being replaced by a lightweight LaunchPad application that gets around the issue of the user requiring administrative rights on their computer in order to run SmartBorder.

Download iconSmartborder


Click on the download button above to run the SmartBorder LaunchPad installer application that will place a SmartBorder Icon on your desktop and QuickLaunch toolbar as you choose.

To logon to SmartBorder, simply double-click the icon on your desktop, and enter FilerCode BTX, and your userID and password as assigned by TAHOCO.

No administrative rights are required to either install the LaunchPad or to access Smart Border.

Please note that you will need to use Google Chrome or Firefox when installing SmartBorder.

Questions or concerns?

Should you have any questions about this change to the Shipper Logon for SmartBorder, please email or call 716-874-6286