
Not just your average Customs Broker

Did you know Thompson Ahern International also offers North American and International freight services? Let us handle all of your shipping requirements from start to finish QQQWorldwide - in all modes of transport. Our single source transportation services include: Cross border & domestic truck transport LTL &


IMPROVING MARKET ACCESS FOR THE WORLD’S LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES   Budget 2017 proposes changes to the rules of origin under Canada’s tariff regime for least developed countries (LDCs) in order for more apparel products imported from the world’s poorest countries to qualify for duty-free treatment

How do Your Tariff Classifications Measure Up?

Are the tariff classifications that you are using being correctly applied? Have they been determined in accordance with the General Interpretive Rules and Canadian Rules as set out in the Tariff Schedule and for legal purposes has the classification been determined according to the terms of the Heading and any relative Section or Chapter Notes?