
Classifying Products

We would like to be proactive in meeting with you to discuss your current data base of products and some of the issues with your suppliers invoices. In many cases we have created a product data base without your input. Based on the auditor general’s latest trade report it was pointed out that CBSA needs to increase the number of targeted


In light of the renegotiating of NAFTA there are some questions regarding the validity of keeping a NAFTA on file.  Negotiations for changes begin in August however any and all changes to the present NAFTA will have to be agreed upon by all parties.  This agreement will include an effective date for any changes. NAFTA in its present

Goods Subject to SIMA Measures

Importers of goods subject to SIMA measures are required to self-assess applicable SIMA duties. The below link is to a list of goods currently subject to anti-dumping or countervailing measures pursuant to the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA). It is updated as necessary to reflect the current status of duty liability. The list of

Auditor General Audit Recap on Customs Duties Management by CBSA, Global Affairs & Finance Canada

CBSA Mandate: The Canada Border Services Agency administers more than 90 acts, regulations, and international agreements for federal organizations, the provinces, and the territories. It is responsible for assessing the duties and taxes owed to the Government of Canada. The Agency has a competing mandate—it must ensure the security of the

Things the Public Sector Should Consider when Cross-Border Importing

When importing from the USA and using purchase orders, P Cards, Credit Cards please make sure that when you are buying domestically or directly from US suppliers you indicate the correct terms. Domestic Purchase-Your Canadian supplier in many cases will order the goods from the USA and they will be drop shipped for direct delivery to you. Their

ARL Update – News from recent ARL Working Group (ARLWG) meetings

1. Centralization of payment update.  Almost all brokers are paying centrally.  100% of all payments are now being allocated by HQ staff.  Most importers with their own ASECs who usually pay CBSA directly have been contacted by CBSA regarding centralized payment. As this is the long range strategy of CBSA we encourage you to start

Highway Border Crossings Summer Outlook

At a recent Regional Conference of the Canadian Society of Customs Brokers in Stratford, ON, the acting Director of Ambassador Bridge District Operations Tamara Allard said, that the commercial highway shipments are up and at the same time the passenger traffic appears to be slower than usual for this time of the year. A Summer Action plan for

CBSA Trade Compliance Pilot Projects

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) manages Trade Compliance with the Tariff Classification, Valuation, and Origin programs through random verifications or verification priorities. This ensures the appropriate use of the trade incentive programs and that duties and taxes owing are properly assessed. Mr. Danny Rinaldi, Regional Program Trade

CETA: Bill C-30 Status Update

« CETA is a reflection of the Canada of today and of tomorrow. It is an agreement that responds to what trade has become — addressing not only goods but also services, investments, human mobility and non-tariff barriers. The agreement also includes key labour and environmental protections, while protecting the ability of


Increased communication and sharing of information is a necessary part of the relationship between importer/exporters and their Customs service provider. It is an important element which is often overlooked and which if not attended to can lead to incorrect declarations, incorrect duty assessments, and delays in the effective clearance of your